Nearly one year after introducing the Jolla phone, Jolla now announced a crowdfunded tablet to come early next year. Giving a teaser on Slush 2014 the corwdfunding started this wednesday with a target of 380k USD to be funded. Jolla keeps on rockin‘ weiterlesen
Schlagwort-Archive: Sailfish
What Jolla launcher brings for SailfishOS
Jolla did built up a strong connection to Android from the very beginning, which in deed was very much welcome as it brought the famous Android compatibility of SailfishOS, allowing us fellow sailors to install and run Android Apps smoothly on our beloved Jolla Phone.
That is one part of the story. Now, during the last months and weeks, Jolla turned pages and arrived with the next step, introducing the Jolla launcher for Android phones and hence, twisting the picture by 180°. What Jolla launcher brings for SailfishOS weiterlesen
Adware approaching Jolla…
Wow… just found my first ad on Jolla… and, by the way, placed directly in my lockscreen… that is truly somehow disturbing.
But the full story. Yesterday I found a new app in warehouse, so called „Quickbar BETA“ which brings the icons of the latest few used apps to the lockscreen for quick access. Basically a nice idea which I strongly support. Putting some functionality to the lock screen, which is basically unused at the moment, is definitely something that should be brought forward. Adware approaching Jolla… weiterlesen
Jolla Blogposts review
Hey everybody, I was asked to bring some more Jolla content in English and as a first step I had the idea to give you all an overview about my recent posts which I made in German. To avoid a long typing session I did this as a Podcast and I hope that worked out well. So here you are an overview which for sure might be not that useful for the moment but in any case lets you participate some of my thoughts during the time when I waited for my Jolla to come and when I had it for the first weeks… So, I hope you enjoy that and I would be happy to get some feedback whether I should go on with Audio-Podcast also or whether you prefer typed text…
Proudly recorded with my Jolla.
Jolla/SailfishOS Update 7 is there
I think, I’ll stick to write about Jolla in English. Seems like my last post was quite welcome, so why not continuing this.
So.. looks like I had a holiday surprise today, when I was reading Twitter finding, that out of a sudden the latest update was in my Timeline approaching… just grabbed my Phone like a Junky on Turkey and… YAY, update was there.
So… what to do next? Don’t think about anything, just get that thing running! Jolla/SailfishOS Update 7 is there weiterlesen